Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Personal Self Defense: Close Quarters"

"Personal Self Defense: Close Quarters"

Today we're going to cover close quarter combat and the things you should know if you are faced with a situation/altercation that you can not avoid or retreat. In most cases I would advise you to avoid confrontation if possible and most of my tips are geared to teach you ways to do this, but in some cases you will not be able to and you will be forced to defend yourself.

In cases like this it is better to go on the offensive first and use the element of surprise in your favor. STRIKE HARD AND STRIKE FAST. There are many very effective ways to do this and most of them are not lethal. I live in Florida where we have the "Stand your ground law" to protect us from prosecution when being attacked, but in some states you can actually be charged with a crime for defending yourself. Unbelievable, but true none the less.

First thing you should know is that no matter the size or shape of your attacker, he has a weakness. We all do. We are all only human and we all come with weak spots. I am here to help you identify them and use them to your advantage.

The first weakness and one of the most accessible in most situations is the eyes. In most cases when someone is blinded, even temporarily, they lose the will to fight. GO FOR THE EYES!!!

There are several ways to do this.

  • Simply gouging their eyes with your thumb or fingers is a very effective way to stop an attack quickly and it will also give you time to either retreat or finish the job of completely incapacitating your attacker and keeping him/her subdued until authorities arrive.
  • If you carry a Pepper Spray a blast from this will certainly temporarily blind and cause breathing problems as well as severe discomfort and pain, thus incapacitating your attacker.
  • Then there is the nose. This is a very effective blow when delivered correctly. Using an upward motion with the palm of your hand or forearm can be brutal to the nasal cavity and will certainly bring tears to the eyes and a much needed moment of confusion and disorientation allowing you to strike again until the job is done. Remember, do not hold back when delivering this blow. You are trying to survive and although this is a potentially lethal blow, in most cases it is not and you want to break the nose if possible. Your first order of business is to make it out of the current situation alive, all else is secondary and can be addressed later.
  • Instead of gouging, you can also use a rake to the eyes. This is very useful if you are grabbed from behind. Simply claw at their eyes as hard as you can and rake down. Remember, the loss of sight is usually detrimental to someones will to fight, use this!

The next possibility you should think about is the ears. The ears can cause a great deal of pain and this is where your equilibrium is found. A good, hard blow to one or both of the ears will cause temporary loss of balance as well as a good ringing of the ears.

You can also use them as a point of leverage as you strike the nose. Grab them and pull down as hard as possible. You will probably be able to strike with a knee or you can use your forehead, either of these are a VERY effective blow. The top of your head is the hardest bone in your body and even if their teeth cut you a little, chances are great that the fight is over and you win.

The next weakness is the throat and you should be careful not to use lethal force unless necessary. A quick, hard blow to the larynx will render your attacker unable to breathe and therefore unwilling to fight, but if you crush the larynx this is potentially fatal so use caution and only as a last resort. Remember, you are fighting for your life, so use whatever force is necessary, but only what is necessary. There is no need to use deadly force when not needed.

There is also the possibility of choking your attacker out if the opportunity arises. If you are able to get behind them or even climb on their back, use this to your full advantage by attacking viciously. First the eyes and once they are out of commission, wrap your arm around their throat and apply as much pressure as possible, not only removing their air supply, but also the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain. This will cause your attacker to lose consciousness, which is exactly what you want.

The next spot of weakness is the solar plexus. Located directly under the sternum in the center of the chest/abdomen, the solar plexus is a source of complete weakness. When struck this will cause immediate loss of breath and gasping for air as well as placing your attacker in a very vulnerable position for further attack. Once you have struck the solar plexus and your attacker is gasping for his next breath(Quite unsuccessfully I might add) use this opportunity to go further on the offensive and completely incapacitate your attacker with a swift blow to the nose with your knee. Remember, unconscious is what you want. Once subdued, contact authorities or get help, or both.

The next weakness is the genitals. This is especially effective if your attacker is a male as it is well known the result of a hard blow to the genitals. Again, use this temporary advantage to further go on the attack and finish the job.

There are other ways that you can defend yourself, and I highly recommend keeping some kind of Self Defense Weapon or Stun Gun for your personal protection.

Something as simple and inexpensive as a Hidden Knife or a Keychain Stun Gun could be what keeps you safe and secure.

I have said this before, and I will continue to say it. The one, most important thing you can do for your own safety is be aware of your surroundings. Identifying a potential threat before it becomes a real one can save your life.

Remember that you are fighting for your survival and there is only one rule in the fight. WIN! There are no other options, so fight accordingly and use any and all weaknesses to your advantage.

I hope this has been helpful and if you are interested in a more complete instruction in the art of self defense, we offer a wide variety of Self Defense DVDs.


Security, Survival and Spy Gear

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Art of Survival: Putting Together a Successful Preparedness Plan

The Art of Survival: Putting Together a Successful Preparedness Plan

I know, I know, this is a subject very few of us really want to think about and even less of us actually do anything about. We all want to just continue with what we are doing now, which for most of us is nothing, and hope for the best.

Well, I do hope for the best, but that doesn't mean that I can't also prepare for the worst. You've all heard that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure and that if you are failing to plan then you are planning to fail, so you know what you are supposed to do. Well, why don't we do it? It's very simple, some of us simply don't know what steps to take to have a disaster preparedness plan or how to practice or implement it if we do. I'm here to help. I am going to go through, step by step, just what it takes to have a disaster preparedness plan.

The very first thing you should do in preparing for a disaster is identify what type of disaster you are preparing for. If you do not already know, call your local Red Cross Chapter and find out what kind or kinds of disasters are likely to occur in your area. Now that you know what you are preparing for you should have a better idea of how to prepare, but you may still want to ask for tips from your local Red Cross.

Next thing you should know is how you will find out if disaster strikes. Usually there will be an emergency broadcasting system, but you may have other methods as well. Learn them and make yourself familiar with them. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing something is happening and not knowing what it is. Stay informed.

Learn your employers preparedness plan and become involved. If there isn't one in place, propose one, ask your coworkers to help you. Take initiative, this will not only possibly save lives, but it will also show your leadership, organizational and people skills.

if you have children, learn about their school's preparedness plan. This is very important, both for your child and your survival. Not knowing where your child is can cause panic and confusion which can be deadly in a time of disaster. You need to remain calm and if you don't know where your child is the last thing you will be is calm and focused. Take part in their school's evacuation plan so that you will know exactly where they are, how they are getting there and that they are safe when they arrive.

If their are elderly family members, please be sure to find out what special needs they may have that need to be met. Make a list of any important medications and keep a supply of these handy. if they have a special transportation need be sure to allow for this. There will be no electricity, so if they use an electric wheelchair you may want to keep a manual unit on hand.

Don't forget your pets!! Do the same thing for your pets and make sure you have supplies for them also.

Once you have a good idea of what needs should be met, come up with a plan to meet them and a way to keep them met in a time of disaster.

Now that you have an idea of what you are preparing for it's time to create a plan. Call a family, or household meeting and make certain that everyone attends.

Discuss what kinds of disasters are most likely to occur and what should be done in the event of each one. Get specific!! Make certain that everyone knows their part. To make sure there are no misunderstandings you should put it in writing and post it in a common area so everyone can see it. Plan another meeting and practice it. Make believe you are in a disaster situation and see how your plan works. If there are things that need work, discuss them and find a solution to the problem.

Once you have a plan and everyone knows their part, ask everyone if they feel any better. If not, find out what they aren't comfortable with and find a solution.

Now that you have a bit of knowledge and a workable plan, you are on your way to survival. Feel better? You should, you have an advantage over most people and your chances for survival have gone up exponentially.

If you haven't already thought of this yourself and done it, now is the time. Make a checklist so that nothing and no one gets forgotten.

  1. First and foremost, a headcount is in order in any disaster situation.
  2. Make sure everyone is present and accounted for. (Don't forget your pets)
  3. Make sure that everyone old enough knows how to shut off all utilities such as power, gas and water.
  4. Make a floor plan of your home and come up with a minimum of two evacuation routes. POST IT!
  5. Make sure to teach your children how to dial 911 and any other pertinent emergency phone numbers.
  6. Make certain that everyone knows how to stay informed of what is going on. Emergency Radios or televisions and in this day and age maybe a cellular phone with internet access.
  7. Make sure you have a local and an out of state contact in case of separation and make sure that these numbers are posted and programmed into everyone's phone and make a list and keep it in a safe place.
  8. Make certain that children know how to use these contacts
  9. Agree on at least two meeting places and make sure that all family members have this information handy. One of these should be near your home in case of a fire and the other should be outside your neighborhood in case you are not able to return home.
  10. As many people in the household as are able should complete a basic CPR and First aid class.
  11. Make copies of all important banking and insurance documents and keep them in a safe waterproof and fireproof safe or container.
  12. Keep another set of these documents with a friend that you can trust or at relative's home. Preferably out of the immediate area.
  13. Make a video or photographic record for insurance purposes. Make sure they have a time and date stamp on them. Insurance companies can be hard to deal with after a disaster.
  14. Make sure you have a list of all important phone numbers somewhere safe or with you at all times.
  15. Make sure and have a first aid kit or kits available and ready for action.
  16. Make sure you have a survival kit and supplies in place for everyone in the household.(Again, don't forget your pets)
  17. Map an evacuation route from your home to a safe place where you can stay while the area is evacuated. Family or friends that aren't too far and aren't too close.

Well, now you have some knowledge, you have a workable plan that you have practiced and agree upon and you have a checklist made. What else do you need? Supplies. Just as you need a disaster preparedness plan, you need to have a disaster supply list and a survival kit for each and every member of your household. Including your pets. This is a crucial component of your disaster preparedness plan.

There are many ways to build a survival kit or preparedness package and as long as you get the supplies you need, it really doesn't matter how you go about it. Here is an idea of some things you should include in your disaster preparedness survival kit.

Disaster Preparedness Kit Supply List

These are the eight basics you should stock in your home in case of disaster:

  1. Water: You should store at least a gallon of water per person per day. You should keep at least a three day supply of water for everyone in your household. Water should be stored in plastic containers that will not leak or decay. They should also be stored in a moderate climate to avoid evaporation. Don't forget your pets.
  2. Food: When choosing what food to store there are many things to consider and this list will give you a good idea of what kind of foods are best for a disaster supply kit. You should store at least a three day supply of food for every person in the household. Don't forget your pets.
    • Ready to eat, canned or packaged meats, fruits and vegetables. Try to keep foods that require no cooking or refrigeration with a long shelf life.
    • Canned juices, milk and soup are great, but if they are concentrated be sure to add some water to your supply for these items.
    • High energy foods such as granola bars, peanut butter/jelly, trail mix and crackers.
    • Salt, pepper, sugar and any other staples you may want.
    • Baby food for infants or any other special food required for elderly or sick people in your household.
    • Comfort foods such as coffee, tea, hard candy, cookies, lollipops or sweetened cereal. These can help to calm in a stressful situation.
  3. First Aid supplies: You should keep a FIRST AID KIT in your survival kit and in your home at all times. Make sure everyone in your household knows where it is and how to use it.
    • Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
    • Assorted sizes of safety pins
    • Cleansing agent/soap
    • Latex gloves(2 pairs)
    • Sunscreen
    • 2‐inch sterile gauze pads(4‐6)
    • 4‐inch sterile gauze pads(4‐6)
    • Triangular bandages(3)
    • Non‐prescription drugs
    • Aspirin or non‐aspirin pain reliever
    • Anti‐diarrhea medication
    • Antacid for upset stomach
    • Syrup of Ipecac (use to induce vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)
    • Laxative
    • Activated charcoal(use if advised by the Poison Control Center)
    • 2‐inch sterile roller bandages(3 rolls)
    • 3‐inch sterile roller bandages(3 rolls)
    • Scissors
    • Tweezers
    • Needle
    • Moistened towelettes
    • Antiseptic
    • Thermometer
    • Tongue depressors(2)
    • Tube of petroleumjelly or otherlubricant
  4. Clothing: Keep at least one change of clothes per person in your survival kit.(Include sturdy shoes or boots)We also recommend you have rain gear.
  5. Bedding: Shelter and warmth are very important and you should have at very least a blanket or sleeping bag for everyone in the household. We also recommend you provide a tarp or tent if possible.
  6. Tools: A good tool kit is mandatory for a successful survival kit. This is a basic tool kit that should be thought of as a bare minimum of tools to have on hand in case of disaster. Always remember that it is better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.
    • Mess kits, or paper cups, plates, and plastic utensils
    • Emergency preparedness manual
    • Battery‐operated radio and extra batteries
    • Flashlight and extra batteries or a dynamo powered flashlight.
    • Cash or traveler’s checks, change. Small denominations, it may be difficult to break large bills.
    • Non‐electric can opener
    • Utility knife
    • Fire extinguisher:small canister ABC type
    • Survival knife
    • Tube tent
    • Pliers
    • Tape
    • Compass
    • Matches in a waterproof container
    • Aluminum foil
    • Plastic storage containers
    • Signal flare
    • Paper, pencil
    • Needles,thread
    • Medicine dropper
    • Shut‐off wrench,to turn off household gas and water
    • Whistle
    • Plastic sheeting
    • Map of the area (For locating nearby shelters)
  7. Hygiene: It is very important to have some basic hygiene supplies as well to help fight sickness and depression. In times of disaster it is important to be in as good a spirit as possible and good hygiene will promote this and help keep germs at bay.
    • Sanitation supplies
    • Toilet paper,towelettes
    • Soap, liquid detergent
    • Personal hygiene items
    • Plastic garbage bags,ties
    • Plastic bucket with tight lid.
    • Disinfectant
    • Household chlorine bleach
  8. Entertainment: Another very important and often looked over component of a successful survival kit is entertainment. This will keep your minds occupied and busy leaving you less time to dwell on your situation. You should by all means make an assessment of your situation, but to dwell too long is not healthy or productive. Do the things that you can do and don't worry about the things that you can't do. Keep a positive attitude and keep believing that things will get better and more times than not, they will.
    • A deck of cards
    • Dice
    • Games for children

Now that you know what to do and how to do it, I urge you to get a plan together and practice it with your family. Go through step by step when and where everyone should be and make sure to allow for unexpected situations. In other words have a backup plan too. If you are one of those who doesn't want to put together your own Survival Kit, I hope you will consider one of ours. We offer survival kits of all shapes and sizes so I am sure you will find one or two to fit all your needs. We also sell complete Preparedness Packages that can be split up and used at different locations. Whatever you choose to do, don't choose to do nothing. Prepare today and stay safe. Have a great day

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trayvon Martin: Was the use of Deadly Force Really Necessary?

With all the coverage of the George Zimmerman Trial it is almost impossible to not have an opinion. To give you mine is not the reason I am writing this. Mine is simple, I was not there and I do not know what happened, so for me to tell anyone what "justice" would have been would be ludicrous. From what I see, the jurors did their job to the best of their ability according to the guidelines set forth by the laws and the justice system of the State of Florida.

The reason I am writing this article is to ask the question why?

Why is a seventeen year old boy dead when it could have been prevented?

The State of Florida has justified the use of deadly force for the purpose of self defense. I believe we should have the right to defend ourselves by any means necessary for survival, but I also believe that where it is possible to use non-lethal force that this choice should be made.

I do not believe it is necessary to carry a lethal weapon for means of self defense. If you can pull out a gun and shoot someone with it then I believe you can use pepper spray instead. In the case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman I believe that a pepper spray or a stun gun would have been just as effective in the self defense of George Zimmerman.

If George Zimmerman had been carrying a stun gun or pepper spray, both very effective non-lethal means of self defense, than Trayvon Martin would still be with us.

What I am saying is that when the choice is there to use non-lethal means for self defense, we should make that choice.

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Trayvon Martin, but nothing I can do or say will make their loss any less. A person is dead. A young man was taken from this earth and nothing will make that change.

But can we prevent this from happening in the future? Yes, if we all think before we act and make better decisions, we can make a difference. I write this because I believe in the products I sell. I believe stun guns and pepper sprays not only save the lives of would be victims, but they save the lives of everyone involved. We CAN defend ourselves by non lethal means and I believe in this.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Military: Changing Culture to Lower Sexual Assault?

Military: Changing Culture to Lower Sexual Assault?

After decades of a culture that has believed in work hard, play harder the military is making efforts to implement new training techniques and raise awareness to prevent sexual assault.

Due to a Pentagon report released in May, estimating as many as 26,000 members of the armed forces may have been the victim of a sexual assault, the military is taking steps to crack down on the use of alcohol and emphasize a strict zero tolerance policy.

Among these steps is a night patrol on some Naval Bases to cut down on heavy drinking. But will this really make a difference in a world where heavy drinking and overall rowdy behavior have become second nature and are not only widely accepted, but promoted? And is it fair to stereotype this behavior and focus on the members who drink?

I am glad to see that steps are finally being taken, but I am forced to wonder how much of this is public relations and how much of it is a sincere effort to end this behavior. One only has to wonder how long these steps will take to have any real effect on the military culture. After years of living in a manner that was deemed acceptable, hard drinking, womanizing, fighting, etc..., can we really expect for these young men to change their ways overnight? Or even in a relatively short period of time?

I firmly believe that these changes need to be made and I am in favor of the military's efforts to do something, but I sincerely hope that this is not just a dog and pony show for the public to take note of until the heat cools down. As leaders in our nations military, I hope these men and women are sincere in their efforts and accomplish the task before them as they have so many others.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Beginnings and History of the Stun Gun

The Beginning and History of the Stun Gun

In the late 1800s a man by the name of John Burton from Wichita, Kansas invented and patented a device he called an "Electric Prod pole". The goal in mind? To motivate the movement of cattle without injury or scorching their hides. This device, still widely used today by ranchers and cattle herders, is where the idea of the stun gun originated.

In the 1950s the this idea was used in the invention of the first stun gun. The difference being that, while "cattle prods" are used to motivate movement, "stun guns" are designed to incapacitate and "stun". By using high voltage and low amperage(Amps are what kill people, not volts) the stun gun became a very effective form of self defense and began being widely used by police forces in the 1960s.

While cattle prods are designed to send a short, localized electric shock of between 1,500 to 10,000 volts to motivate movement, stun guns use a much higher range of voltage to confuse the nervous system and cause muscle failure and disorientation.

Though both stun guns and cattle prods use the same basic idea of sending electricity through two electrodes to deliver the shock, the uses and effects vary. The cattle prod and the stun gun are designed to do different jobs and both are very effective at the job they were designed for.

Though the actual voltage delivered by a stun device is very hard to measure, the fact remains that they are very effective self defense weapons and should not be used as toys or for amusement of any kind. Even low voltage stun guns are very effective in doing their jobs and can be used effectively in self defense and personal protection.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Interesting Facts About Pepper Spray

Interesting Facts About Pepper Spray

The original "Pepper Spray" was invented in 1965 by a man named Allan Lee Litman after his wife was threatened on the street. This product was known then as "Chemical Mace" and is now known simply as "Mace". ~MACE Brand Pepper Sprays~ have been providing great self defense products since 1970.

The original formula consisted of phenacyl chloride (CN Tear Gas) in a solvent of 2-butanol, propylene glycol, cyclohexene, and dipropylene glycol methyl ether. I know, a lot of things normal people have never heard of right?

Well, lucky for us Mr. Litman saw fit to share his invention with the rest of us because now we have a self defense product that is very affordable and efficient without causing permanent damage.

Though the formulas vary and have been changed quite a bit, they still remain very effective. CN Tear Gas has been widely replaced by Oleosin Capsicum (OC Pepper) Hence the new name "Pepper Spray". Most pepper sprays come in various forms, sizes and packaging, but all pepper sprays have one thing in common, they will give you personal protection in a very handy form.

Although most pepper sprays are strictly OC Pepper, there are a few that contain ~TRIPLE ACTION~.

These pepper sprays use a mixture of OC Pepper, CN Tear Gas and an Ultraviolet Dye. The OC Pepper causes a burning sensation around the eyes and sinus cavity as well as any skin that it comes in direct contact with. The CN Tear gas is used to make the spray more effective when you cannot get a direct facial hit. Even a spray in the chest with CN Tear Gas will cause IMMEDIATE tearing and SEVERE IRRITATION to the eyes and airways causing a shortness of breath and temporary blindness. This is not pleasant stuff when you are on the receiving end. Anyone who has been in the military can tell you about the gas chamber in boot camp. Finally, you have the Ultraviolet Dye. This is used to help identify assailants after apprehension. Police use an ultraviolet light to see the dye on your assailants clothes and skin letting them know (and prove) that this was in fact the perpetrator.

This is just a short history on how pepper sprays became and still are one of the leading forms of personal protection and self defense. I hope this has been helpful. Thank you for making Security Survival and Spy Gear your choice for security, survival and surveillance gear.

If you are the victim of a crime, the following links will help you to find assistance and guidance through this difficult time.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

7 Affordable Strategies for Better Home Security

Volume 1


Edition 2



With the economy down and the crime rates up it is very important to develop a strategy for home protection and security. Starting with some simple and affordable ideas we will help you develop a strategy that will provide your family with the home security it deserves for a price you can afford.

It isn't easy these days to keep your home secure from the criminal activity that is growing in our country, and the cost of a monitored security system is just not in the budget for some of us. So, we have some solutions we would like to share to help you keep your home secure and your family safe.

  1. Begin with the obvious and easy solutions like keeping ALL doors and windows locked. This is where 60% of burglars gain entrance. Even when you are home you should keep your doors and windows locked. Make it as hard as possible to gain unlawful entry to your home.
  2. Join a neighborhood watch program. If there is none in your area, start one. At the very least, become friendly with your neighbors and agree to look out for each other’s homes. If you spot suspicious activity, let them know nor alert authorities. Maybe both depending on the circumstances.
  3. Keep bushes a fair distance from windows and doors to remove hiding places for criminals. This is one of my favorites and also one that is often overlooked. Again, make it hard for the criminals to target your home. The harder it is, the less likely you will be the victim of a crime.
  4. Put signs in your yard advertising security, such as “Bad Dog” or “Under Surveillance”. These are great ideas. Even if you have no dog or surveillance system. You could even install an ~ELECTRONIC BARKING DOG ALARM~. These things are great for the unattended home.
  5. Install Fake Security Cameras or real Security Cameras if your budget allows.
  6. Motion activated hidden cameras are also a very affordable way to add security to your home. We offer a wide variety of ~HIDDEN CAMERA DVRs~ .
  7. You can also use ~Door and Window Alarms~. These are very affordable and easily installed and cheap enough to use on every door and window in the house.

These are a great start to enjoying the security you deserve and at Security, Survival and Spy Gear~ we want to help you reach that goal. From your most basic needs to Complete Surveillance Systems we have what you need. Have a great day with better home security.

Sexual Assault: Protection and Prevention

    Welcome to The SURVIVAL ZONE BLOG, this is based on a monthly newsletter, but I will be posting here more frequently as I feel the need to share some of my thoughts and experience on various subjects that interest me.

    This blog is a copy of my first newsletter and as I am new to this I welcome any tips, guidance or ideas you may want to share. I am also always looking for ideas or subjects of interest to my readers, so please feel free to let me know what YOU want to hear or talk about.

    So with that being said, let's get to the article.

    In opening this newsletter, I would like to emphasize that your personal awareness is the first and most important step you can take to protect yourself from danger. What I mean by “personal awareness” is being aware of your surroundings. Paying attention to details like body language, someone who looks out of place or even just your gut instinct could make all the  difference in the world when it comes to your personal safety and a chance at self defense.

     In most cases our subconscious is very keen about sensing danger and at very least should warrant a very close check of the immediate surroundings.Remember, If you feel like something is wrong, something IS WRONG!!! We often forget to believe our instincts, or brush small warning signs off. The fact is, we are animals by nature and to deny that we have animal instincts could be very dangerous.

    Something as simple as this could save your life or prevent an attack from ever taking place.

    The simple fact is, if you are unaware, you may not get a chance to defend yourself and while being aware is a great start, you should also prepare yourself for events out of your control. The sad fact is that bad things happen to good people every day.

  1. One property crime happens every 3 seconds.
  2. One burglary occurs every 10 seconds.
  3. One violent crime occurs every 20 seconds.
  4. One aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds.
  5. One robbery occurs every 60 seconds, or 1 minute.
  6. Every 45 seconds a sexual assault occurs in the United States.
  7. Out of every seven women in college, one of them has been raped.
  8. However, nine out of ten women raped on campus do not report the    

    These are some very unsettling statistics for parents. If you have a loved one in college, or in high school, do them and yourself a favor and prepare them for their term on campus.

    At we offer a complete line of SAFETY KITS and a variety of KEYCHAIN STUN GUNS to keep your loved ones safe while on campus. This kit includes personal safety information and products that will inform, educate and supply them with the necessary means for surviving this period of their life without any undue problems.
    While this is a time of learning and spreading their wings, there is also an element of danger. Because students are young and new to being on their own, they are prime targets for sexual assault. Add the facts that they are at an age of raging hormones, and the use of drugs and alcohol on campuses across the country is prominent, and the risks grow exponentially.

    Please inform and prepare your loved ones with the necessary tools to prevent unnecessary harm!

     A few simple steps could prevent you or someone you love from becoming one of these statistics.

    Here are a few tips to help keep you safe.
  1. Pay attention to your surroundings.
  2. Trust your instincts. We are animals after all.
  3. Travel in groups whenever possible.
  4. Keep a flashlight handy for dark parking lots or structures.
  5. If you have a Personal Alarm or Self Defense Weapon, make certain it is handy.
  6. Have your keys in your hand and unlock your doors before you get to the car if possible.

    I hope this helps you get into THE SURVIVAL ZONE and gives you some insight into protecting yourself against attack. Please join me next month for “Seven Affordable Strategies for Better Home Security”.

    Thank you for making Security Survival and Spy Gear your one stop shop for all of your safety, survival and surveillance needs.