Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Personal Self Defense: Close Quarters"

"Personal Self Defense: Close Quarters"

Today we're going to cover close quarter combat and the things you should know if you are faced with a situation/altercation that you can not avoid or retreat. In most cases I would advise you to avoid confrontation if possible and most of my tips are geared to teach you ways to do this, but in some cases you will not be able to and you will be forced to defend yourself.

In cases like this it is better to go on the offensive first and use the element of surprise in your favor. STRIKE HARD AND STRIKE FAST. There are many very effective ways to do this and most of them are not lethal. I live in Florida where we have the "Stand your ground law" to protect us from prosecution when being attacked, but in some states you can actually be charged with a crime for defending yourself. Unbelievable, but true none the less.

First thing you should know is that no matter the size or shape of your attacker, he has a weakness. We all do. We are all only human and we all come with weak spots. I am here to help you identify them and use them to your advantage.

The first weakness and one of the most accessible in most situations is the eyes. In most cases when someone is blinded, even temporarily, they lose the will to fight. GO FOR THE EYES!!!

There are several ways to do this.

  • Simply gouging their eyes with your thumb or fingers is a very effective way to stop an attack quickly and it will also give you time to either retreat or finish the job of completely incapacitating your attacker and keeping him/her subdued until authorities arrive.
  • If you carry a Pepper Spray a blast from this will certainly temporarily blind and cause breathing problems as well as severe discomfort and pain, thus incapacitating your attacker.
  • Then there is the nose. This is a very effective blow when delivered correctly. Using an upward motion with the palm of your hand or forearm can be brutal to the nasal cavity and will certainly bring tears to the eyes and a much needed moment of confusion and disorientation allowing you to strike again until the job is done. Remember, do not hold back when delivering this blow. You are trying to survive and although this is a potentially lethal blow, in most cases it is not and you want to break the nose if possible. Your first order of business is to make it out of the current situation alive, all else is secondary and can be addressed later.
  • Instead of gouging, you can also use a rake to the eyes. This is very useful if you are grabbed from behind. Simply claw at their eyes as hard as you can and rake down. Remember, the loss of sight is usually detrimental to someones will to fight, use this!

The next possibility you should think about is the ears. The ears can cause a great deal of pain and this is where your equilibrium is found. A good, hard blow to one or both of the ears will cause temporary loss of balance as well as a good ringing of the ears.

You can also use them as a point of leverage as you strike the nose. Grab them and pull down as hard as possible. You will probably be able to strike with a knee or you can use your forehead, either of these are a VERY effective blow. The top of your head is the hardest bone in your body and even if their teeth cut you a little, chances are great that the fight is over and you win.

The next weakness is the throat and you should be careful not to use lethal force unless necessary. A quick, hard blow to the larynx will render your attacker unable to breathe and therefore unwilling to fight, but if you crush the larynx this is potentially fatal so use caution and only as a last resort. Remember, you are fighting for your life, so use whatever force is necessary, but only what is necessary. There is no need to use deadly force when not needed.

There is also the possibility of choking your attacker out if the opportunity arises. If you are able to get behind them or even climb on their back, use this to your full advantage by attacking viciously. First the eyes and once they are out of commission, wrap your arm around their throat and apply as much pressure as possible, not only removing their air supply, but also the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain. This will cause your attacker to lose consciousness, which is exactly what you want.

The next spot of weakness is the solar plexus. Located directly under the sternum in the center of the chest/abdomen, the solar plexus is a source of complete weakness. When struck this will cause immediate loss of breath and gasping for air as well as placing your attacker in a very vulnerable position for further attack. Once you have struck the solar plexus and your attacker is gasping for his next breath(Quite unsuccessfully I might add) use this opportunity to go further on the offensive and completely incapacitate your attacker with a swift blow to the nose with your knee. Remember, unconscious is what you want. Once subdued, contact authorities or get help, or both.

The next weakness is the genitals. This is especially effective if your attacker is a male as it is well known the result of a hard blow to the genitals. Again, use this temporary advantage to further go on the attack and finish the job.

There are other ways that you can defend yourself, and I highly recommend keeping some kind of Self Defense Weapon or Stun Gun for your personal protection.

Something as simple and inexpensive as a Hidden Knife or a Keychain Stun Gun could be what keeps you safe and secure.

I have said this before, and I will continue to say it. The one, most important thing you can do for your own safety is be aware of your surroundings. Identifying a potential threat before it becomes a real one can save your life.

Remember that you are fighting for your survival and there is only one rule in the fight. WIN! There are no other options, so fight accordingly and use any and all weaknesses to your advantage.

I hope this has been helpful and if you are interested in a more complete instruction in the art of self defense, we offer a wide variety of Self Defense DVDs.


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