Saturday, July 13, 2013

Interesting Facts About Pepper Spray

Interesting Facts About Pepper Spray

The original "Pepper Spray" was invented in 1965 by a man named Allan Lee Litman after his wife was threatened on the street. This product was known then as "Chemical Mace" and is now known simply as "Mace". ~MACE Brand Pepper Sprays~ have been providing great self defense products since 1970.

The original formula consisted of phenacyl chloride (CN Tear Gas) in a solvent of 2-butanol, propylene glycol, cyclohexene, and dipropylene glycol methyl ether. I know, a lot of things normal people have never heard of right?

Well, lucky for us Mr. Litman saw fit to share his invention with the rest of us because now we have a self defense product that is very affordable and efficient without causing permanent damage.

Though the formulas vary and have been changed quite a bit, they still remain very effective. CN Tear Gas has been widely replaced by Oleosin Capsicum (OC Pepper) Hence the new name "Pepper Spray". Most pepper sprays come in various forms, sizes and packaging, but all pepper sprays have one thing in common, they will give you personal protection in a very handy form.

Although most pepper sprays are strictly OC Pepper, there are a few that contain ~TRIPLE ACTION~.

These pepper sprays use a mixture of OC Pepper, CN Tear Gas and an Ultraviolet Dye. The OC Pepper causes a burning sensation around the eyes and sinus cavity as well as any skin that it comes in direct contact with. The CN Tear gas is used to make the spray more effective when you cannot get a direct facial hit. Even a spray in the chest with CN Tear Gas will cause IMMEDIATE tearing and SEVERE IRRITATION to the eyes and airways causing a shortness of breath and temporary blindness. This is not pleasant stuff when you are on the receiving end. Anyone who has been in the military can tell you about the gas chamber in boot camp. Finally, you have the Ultraviolet Dye. This is used to help identify assailants after apprehension. Police use an ultraviolet light to see the dye on your assailants clothes and skin letting them know (and prove) that this was in fact the perpetrator.

This is just a short history on how pepper sprays became and still are one of the leading forms of personal protection and self defense. I hope this has been helpful. Thank you for making Security Survival and Spy Gear your choice for security, survival and surveillance gear.

If you are the victim of a crime, the following links will help you to find assistance and guidance through this difficult time.

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